1.2. PCF application

PCF applied to the NSP development and Global Fund Funding Request Application Process

To apply the PCF for the development of National Strategic Plans (NSPs), countries need to follow certain steps which includes assembling a PCF team (Core Team) to be responsible for the planning and management of the entire process from conception (defining the scope, goals, key stakeholders, and timeline, etc.) through to the finalization of the GF application process (and grant-making). The planning process usually follows the WHO NSP development guidance and Global Fund application guidance, which commences with a thorough assessment of the current situation and implementation status of the program (including national guidelines, policies, and model of TB care). The analysis of the current status should inform the adaptation of the current model of TB care by using a gap analysis based on consolidated data which are analyzed, interpreted, and visualized for strategic planning and decision making (Data Consolidation).

Countries then organize consultative PCF workshops aiming to get a consensus on identified gaps, to agree on methodologies for situation analysis including root cause analysis, intervention identification, prioritization, and/or optimization (Stakeholder Consultation). These consultations are followed up by subnational validation of data consolidation findings, intervention recommendations, and target setting – which should also include more detailed operational planning and costing at that level (Sub-national Validation)

Intervention prioritization and optimization exercises can be supported by additional impact modeling, cost-effectiveness/ allocative efficiency analysis exercises, where the required capacity is available (please note that these do not replace programmatic feasibility assessments and discussions).

The results will be drafted into a National Strategic Plan (following WHO NSP guidance aligned to the PCF approach results) which will undergo the regular national consensus and endorsement processes. The final endorsed NSP document can then be used as the basis for NSP based funding applications to the Global Fund, other donors, and of course domestic resource allocation.

PCF application – other uses

In addition to facilitating a structured and systematic approach to NSP development, the PCF approach has also been used to support:

  1. Grant portfolio optimization,

  2. Harmonization of Technical Assistance, and

  3. Sub-national planning

Some countries have also applied the PCF approach principles and methodology to other programs (mainly Leprosy program). This requires adapting the TB care continuum with the relevant patient journey for the new use case.

We are currently assessing relevant additional application areas, such as emergency response/ mitigation (e.g., assessing and mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on TB programs)

Last Update: Friday, December 30, 2022  

Wednesday, August 4, 2021 2426 admin  Section 1. Operational Guidance
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