3.1. Constitute a team


Data consolidation consists of collecting and collating all the available evidence on TB-related surveys, surveillance, assessments, and studies relevant for determining gaps and opportunities in the country’s TB continuum of care.

It is therefore recommended that:

  • at least two members of the M&E team of the NTP lead this activity
  • with support from other colleagues from the NTP
  • members from other relevant departments of the Ministry of Health (e.g. HIV program, planning department, etc.)
  • members of research institutes/academia involved in relevant surveys and studies
  • members of partners supporting NTP
  • and external consultants if desired.
  • If subnational data consolidation is conducted, representatives of subnational TB program staff and community organizations should be included.

Last Update: Friday, September 2, 2022  

Sunday, August 22, 2021 1709 admin  Section 3. Data Consolidation
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