3.2. Plan & prepare

Allocating sufficient time for the data consolidation process is essential to ensure that all relevant data and evidence are included. Typically, data consolidation will require a minimum of 20 days each for two members of the M&E team of the NTP over a period of 2-8 weeks to conduct the activities. For sub-national level data consolidation, M&E staff from each respective subnational level is required.

Access to existing electronic surveillance systems, health information systems, databases, dashboards e.t.c., will significantly reduce the time for data consolidation, and potenitally further facilitate sub national level and/or geographic dissagreagation of data analysis.



The right people, tools and location for the team is important to ensure the objectives of the data consolidation process is achieved. These include (but are not limited to):

  • Venue costs for a small group of data consolidation team (if department facilities are limited)
  • Reliable internet connection
  • PC with wide desktop screen or projector for common data viewing
A foundational requirement for this process is knowledge on data manipiulation. Other skills and knowledge required to make the proces efficient are

  • Understanding of the TB epidemiology in the country;
  • Understanding of other types of evidence in the country;
  • Familiarity with the TB continuum of care (TB patient journey);
  • Familiarity with the Patient Pathway Analysis Framework*;
  • Familiarity with WHO guidleines and TB epidemiological reviews and the Surveillance Standards and Benchmarks**;
  • Understanding of non-health TB related data;
  • Expertise in interpreting data and identifying key findings;

[*Patient Pathway Analysis Framework]

[**Surveillance Standards and Benchmarks]


Activity Timeline

Sufficient time should be provided for the core NSP team to review the key findings from the data consolidation. Where all data are available to populate the data consolidation tools, it will take a maximum period of one month to complete the data consolidation and additonal month to review and update the tools and findings (estiamted total period of 2 months). Where data is not readily available and accessible, an additional period of one month extra should be allocated to the process (estimated total period of 3 months forĀ  data consolidation, review and documentation of findings), and where subnational level data consolidation is conducted, the overall process may require additional time. The more subnational levels, the longer the preparation time required. We suggest the national and subnational data consolidation be conducted in parallel.



Where all data is available to populate the data consolidation tool, we suggest using first month to complete the data consolidation and the second month for the review and update of the tools and findings. Routine automation would considerably shorten this process!


Last Update: Friday, December 30, 2022  

Saturday, August 21, 2021 1770 admin  Section 3. Data Consolidation
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